Q & A continued

with Kate Figgins, Co-founder and Director of Humanex


“Thinking through preventative strategies for burnout, Tip One is developing Self-Awareness, understanding one's emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and triggers is crucial. By regularly reflecting on personal experiences and emotional responses, professionals can gain insights into their behaviour and how it affects their work and relationships. Tools such as journaling, mindfulness practices, and feedback from colleagues can enhance self-awareness, making individuals better equipped to manage stress and adapt to challenges. There is a lot to unpack around Self-Awareness but there are tools and techniques that can aid the process...we will talk about some of these in our session on Sept 16th.”

Tip Two - Learn to self-regulate. It’s a skill for life. Improved self-awareness supports improved self-regulation… so the two are mutually reinforcing and beneficial. Simply stated, self-regulation is the ability to manage emotions and impulses, which is vital for mental health, physical health and interpersonal relationships. Techniques such as breathing exercises, cognitive reframing and neuro-sculpting can help in managing stress and maintaining emotional balance.”

“I’m going to have to look up neuro-sculpting on Google!”

“And Tip Three - Effective communication of feelings in a professional setting is a key aspect that helps individuals avoid burnout. When professionals articulate their emotions clearly and constructively, it allows issues to be addressed before they escalate into significant stressors. This proactive approach prevents the accumulation of stress and frustration, which are primary contributors to burnout. There are many benefits of improved communication including Individual stress reduction, emotional relief and improved relationships.”

“What is the main challenge with implementing them?”

“Overcoming entrenched workplace routines and attitudes. Many organisations still prioritise technical skills and productivity over emotional well-being and social skills. Individuals may also buy into this. Promoting a culture that values emotional well-being, and provides resources and support for employees to develop these skills is important.”