Cultivating Professional Resilience
Early Bird prices end 16 August

Monday 16 September, Club Mount Maunganui

Ticketing through Humanitix click here


“Beyond Burnout: How to Spot it, Stop it and Stamp it Out.”
Suzi McAlpine 9.00am - 12.30pm
Suzi is well known and celebrated for her leadership coaching. This three hour seminar will focus on what leaders and individuals can do to identify and manage stress to avoid burnout in themselves, their colleagues and those they lead.


“Using Emotional Intelligence to Combat Burnout”
Lindsey Rayner & Kate Figgins, Humanex
1.30pm - 4.00pm
Humanex, co-directed by Lindsey & Kate, was founded by a passion to see people working with wellness. This 2.5 hour awareness and skills-based session will deliver practical strategies to recognise the early recognition of physiological signs of stress, and how to effectively minimise the potential for burnout


Q & A

with Kate Figgins, Co-founder and Director of Humanex


“Is burnout preventable?”

“Yes, but it requires effort from both the individual and the organisation. Burnout is preventable when there is a strong focus on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) within the workplace. Organisations can support this by creating a culture that values emotional well-being and provides resources for EQ development.”

“What are your top three tips for preventing burnout?”

“It’s difficult to pick three, but we can use tools regularly that help us grow stronger mentally and emotionally. We spend a lot of time ‘in our heads’ so we might as well learn ways to use this time for growth (instead of rumination or worry).”

Read more here...


2024 - How fast you are rolling by!

Women's Retreats

Life A Plenty has provided three recuperative and therapeutic retreats so far this year for twenty two women, and there is another full retreat coming up in August.

Retreat picture

The feedback on how appreciated our retreats are for women is reflected both in the women's comments, and also in the real changes felt on retreat.

"This retreat has made me more confident to face reality.” June participant

“...realising I am not alone was such a relief... realising that the mind-body-soul is all really connected. Mindfulness can really ground you and calm down your nervous system.” March participant

"I am feeling so much hope and relief that I can change and get out of ‘the grey zone’. Sharing your own experiences and providing smaller steps and positivity and actual scientific facts has given me the push to change and embrace it. There’s no such thing as perfection. Practice makes progress. The information to application to transformation is exciting. The hope you have given me is life changing." May participant

"Being on this retreat has taught me that there is light in what I thought was never ending darkness. It has made me realise that I now have hope and I am looking forward to the next step of my journey.” May participant

Accepting Referrals now for upcoming retreats:

  • 14-18 October 2024
  • 05-09 December 2024