Elaine Reber
Trust Coordinator

“Kaua e rangiruatia te hā o te hoe; e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta” (Do not lift the paddle out of unison or our canoe will never reach the shore.) When Elaine first saw this whakataukī on the walls of the Taupō Museum, it provided wisdom for journeying through family life with added complications. It speaks to the need to live life in community and shared purpose.
Growing up and living near Northwest Auckland, Elaine has spent many years in tertiary and secondary educational settings working with new migrants, refugees and international students, as well as providing adult literacy support. A further passion has been to engage with learning around wellbeing, and organise small scale retreats for women.
Relocating to Tauranga Moana with her family in 2013, this fast developing city has provided a home for her to grow her family to adulthood, workplaces to further develop her skills working alongside learners who often need extra support, and a community of friends engaged with life to the full.
Elaine joins the team with full confidence in Life a Plenty Charitable Trust's vision: "Providing the highest quality service to people seeking freedom from emotional, psychological and spiritual distress." To see women released into their authentic selves is something she has worked towards in her own life.
For further information contact Elaine. Alternatively you may phone / text on 021 416 553.