Anne Martin

Ko Mauao tōku maunga.
Ko Tauranga moana tōku moana.
Ko Edwin Fox tōku waka.
Ko Ingarihi tōku iwi.
No te Tairawhiti ahau.
Kei Pāpāmoa tōku kāinga.
Ko Matthew tōku hoa tāne.
Tokotoru aku tamariki.
Tokorima aku mokopuna.
Ko Anne tōku ingoa.
Anne is a Family Therapist who has wide ranging skills and experience which includes working with individuals, couples and families, both in private practice and community settings. Aside from general counselling, her work with clients experiencing anxiety, depression, issues with alcohol and drugs, anger management has been the focus of her work for much of the past decade. Anne has a passion for working with women and has, for example, led community-based programmes for women struggling with substance abuse.
After undertaking a Graduate Diploma in Counselling, Anne went on to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science, a Postgraduate Certificate in Family Therapy and the equivalent in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. She has completed her Masters degree through Otago University. Alongside her private practice, Anne is employed as a Family Therapist for Stand for Children Services.
In other related fields, Anne has worked as an educator with the Motor Neuron Association and as a facilitator with the 'Seasons Programme' for people struggling with grief.
For further information contact Anne.